List of Oceanids

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Oceanus is a god in ancient Greek mythology. This is a list of his consorts and daughters, who are known collectively as the Oceanids.

According to Hesiod,[1] the total number of Oceanus' children was 6000, composed of 3000 daughters and 3000 sons (these are called Potamoi), but only a relatively small number of their names is actually attested throughout accounts of Greek mythology.


The following are the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys:[2][3][4][5][6]

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  1. Acaste
  2. Admete
  3. Aethra
  4. Amaltheia
  5. Amphiro
  6. Amphitrite – usually counted as a Nereid rather than an Oceanid
  7. Anchiroe
  8. Anthracia – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  9. Argia
  10. Asia – nymph of the Asian region, sister to Europa
  11. Asterodia[7]
  12. Asterope – mother by Zeus of Acragas, eponym of several ancient cities known as Acragas, possibly including Acragas, Sicily[8]
  13. Beroe
  14. Bolbe
  15. Cleodora
  16. Callirrhoe
  17. Calypso
  18. Camarina[9]
  19. Capheira[10]
  20. Cerceis
  21. Ceto
  22. Chryseis
  23. Clio – not to be confused with the Muse Clio
  24. Clymene – wife of Iapetus
  25. Clytie or Clytia
  26. Crocale – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis[11][12]
  27. Daira – mother of Eleusis by Hermes[13]
  28. Dione
  29. Dodone
  30. Doris – wife of the sea god Nereus, mother of the fifty Nereides.
  31. Eidyia or Idyia – wife of Aeetes, mother of Medea
  32. Electra – wife of Thaumas, mother of Iris, Arke and the Harpies; not to be confused with other characters of the same name, see Electra (disambiguation)
  33. Ephyra
  34. Euagoreis
  35. Eudore
  36. Europa
  37. Eurynome
  38. Galaxaure
  39. Glauke – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  40. Hagno – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  41. Hesione – wife of Prometheus
  42. Hippo
  43. Hyale – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis
  44. Iakhe
  45. Ianira
  46. Ianthe – nymph of violet rain clouds or violet flowers
  47. Ithome – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  48. Leucippe
  49. Lysithea
  50. Melia – sister of Caanthus
  51. Meliboea
  52. Melite
  53. Melobosis
  54. Menestho
  55. Merope
  56. Metis – goddess of wisdom, first spouse of Zeus
  57. Mopsopia – Attica was believed to have been previously named Mopsopia after her[14]
  58. Myrtoessa – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  59. Nede – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  60. Nemesis
  61. Nephele – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis; not to be confused with Nephele, goddess of clouds
  62. Ocyrrhoe
  63. Oinoe – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  64. Ozomene – in one source,[15] this name substitutes for Electra
  65. Pasithoe
  66. Peitho
  67. Periboea
  68. Perse or Perseis – consort of Helios
  69. Petraea
  70. Phaino
  71. Phiale – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis
  72. Philyra – mother of Chiron by Cronus
  73. Phrixa – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  74. Pleione – mother of the Pleiades by Atlas
  75. Plexaure
  76. Plouto or Pluto – mother of Tantalus by Zeus
  77. Polydora
  78. Polyphe – in a rare version, mother of Athena by Poseidon[16][17]
  79. Polyxo
  80. Pronoia
  81. Prymno
  82. Psekas – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis
  83. Rhanis – one of the sixty younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis
  84. Rhode or Rhodia
  85. Rhodope
  86. Stilbo
  87. Styx – Oceanid of the river Styx that flowed nine times around Hades; an exceptionally female river goddess
  88. Telesto
  89. Theisoa – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus
  90. Thoe
  91. Tyche
  92. Urania – not to be confused with the Muse Urania
  93. Xanthe
  94. Zeuxo

Others: the text by Hyginus (Fabulae) is corrupted in places, making the names of a few of the Oceanids uncertain: *yaea; *lyris, *clintenneste, *teschinoeno.[6]


  1. Hesiod; Theogony, 364-370
  2. Hesiod; Theogony, 346
  3. Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter, 415
  4. Pausanias, Guide to Greece, 8.31.4; 8.38.2; 8.47.3
  5. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1.2.2
  6. 6.0 6.1 Hyginus; Fabulae, Preface: The text is corrupted in places, making the names of some of the daughters illegible.
  7. Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, 3. 242
  8. Stephanus of Byzantium, s. v. Akragantes
  9. Pindar, Odes Olympian, V
  10. Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, V.55
  11. Callimachus, Hymn III to Artemis, 12
  12. Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.155
  13. Pausanias, Description of Greece, 1. 38. 7
  14. Suidas s. v. Euphorion
  15. Hyginus, Fabulae 14
  16. Suidas s. v. Hippeia Athena
  17. Theoi Project - Polyphe
