List of Grand Prix motorcycle races

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The following is a complete list of Grands Prix which have been a part of the Grand Prix motorcycle racing championship season since its inception in 1949.

Alphabetical list of Grands Prix

See 2025 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season for a schedule of this year's races.

Bold denotes the 18 Grands Prix races active for the 2016 season. 864 races

Race Active year(s) No Of Races
United States Grand Prix of the Americas 2013-2015 3
Aragon Aragon Grand Prix 2010-2015 6
Argentina Argentine Grand Prix 1960–1963, 1981–1982, 1987, 1994–1995, 1998–1999, 2014-2015 13
Australia Australian Grand Prix 1989–2015 27
Austria Austrian Grand Prix 1971–1979, 1981–1991, 1993–1994, 1996–1997 24
Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg Grand Prix 1986 1
Belgium Belgian Grand Prix 1949–1986, 1988–1990 41
Brazil Brazilian Grand Prix[1] 1987–1989, 1992, 1995–1997, 1999–2004 13
United Kingdom British Grand Prix 1977–2015 39
Canada Canadian Grand Prix 1967 1
Catalonia Catalan Grand Prix 1996–2015 20
China Chinese Grand Prix 2005–2008 4
Czech Republic Czech Republic Grand Prix[2] 1965–1982, 1987–1991, 1993–2015 45
Netherlands Dutch TT 1949–2015 67
East Germany East German Grand Prix[3] 1961–1972 12
Europe European Grand Prix 1991–1995 5
Europe "Expo 92" Grand Prix 1988 1
Europe FIM Grand Prix 1993 1
Finland Finnish Grand Prix 1962–1982 21
France French Grand Prix 1951, 1953–1955, 1959–1967, 1969–1970, 1972–1992, 1994–2015 58
Germany German Grand Prix[4] 1952–2015 64
Hungary Hungarian Grand Prix 1990, 1992 2
Emilia-Romagna Imola Grand Prix 1996–1999 4
Indianapolis Indianapolis Grand Prix 2008–2015 8
Indonesia Indonesian Grand Prix 1996–1997 2
Isle of Man Isle of Man Tourist Trophy 1949–1976 28
Italy Italian Grand Prix[5] 1949–2015 67
Japan Japanese Grand Prix 1964–1967, 1987–2015 33
Community of Madrid Madrid Grand Prix 1998 1
Malaysia Malaysian Grand Prix 1991–2014 24
Tochigi Prefecture Pacific Grand Prix[6] 2000–2003 4
Portugal Portuguese Grand Prix[7] 1987, 2000–2012 14
Qatar Qatar Grand Prix 2004–2015 12
San Marino San Marino and Rimini's Coast Grand Prix[8] 1981–1987, 1991, 1993, 2007–2015 18
South Africa South African Grand Prix 1983–1985, 1992, 1999–2004 10
Spain Spanish Grand Prix 1951–1955, 1961–2015 60
Sweden Swedish Grand Prix 1958–1959, 1961, 1971–1979, 1981–1990 22
Switzerland Swiss Grand Prix 1949–1954 [9] 6
Turkey Turkish Grand Prix 2005–2007 3
Northern Ireland Ulster Grand Prix[10] 1949–1971 23
United States United States Grand Prix 1964–1965, 1988–1991, 1993–1994, 2005–2013 17
Valencian Community Valencian Community Grand Prix 1999–2014 16
Venezuela Venezuelan Grand Prix 1977–1979 3
23x15px Vitesse du Mans Grand Prix 1991 1
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Grand Prix[11] 1969–1970, 1972–1990 21

Races by season


Rnd 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
1 Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man 23x15px Spanish Switzerland Swiss Isle of Man Isle of Man France French 23x15pxSpanish Isle of Man Isle of Man Germany West German Isle of Man Isle of Man France French
2 Switzerland Swiss Belgium Belgian SwitzerlandSwiss Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man France French Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man
3 Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Northern Ireland Ulster Isle of Man Isle of Man Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Germany West German
4 Belgium Belgian Switzerland Swiss Belgium Belgian Belgium Belgian Germany West German Belgium Belgian Germany West German Germany West German Belgium Belgian Germany West German Netherlands Dutch
5 Northern Ireland Ulster Northern Ireland Ulster Netherlands Dutch Germany West German France French Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Northern Ireland Ulster Northern Ireland Ulster Sweden Swedish Belgium Belgian
6 Italy Nations Italy Nations France French Northern Ireland Ulster Northern Ireland Ulster Germany West German Netherlands Dutch Italy Nations Italy Nations Northern Ireland Ulster Sweden Swedish
7     Northern IrelandUlster Italy Nations Switzerland Swiss Switzerland Swiss Northern Ireland Ulster     Italy Nations Northern Ireland Ulster
8     Italy Nations 23x15px Spanish Italy Nations Italy Nations Italy Nations       Italy Nations
9         23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish          


Rnd 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
1 France French 23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish United States United States United States United States 23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish West Germany West German 23x15px Spanish
2 Isle of Man Isle of Man Germany West German France French Germany West German 23x15px Spanish Germany West German Germany West German Germany West German 23x15px Spanish Germany West German
3 Netherlands Dutch France French Isle of Man Isle of Man France French France French 23x15px Spanish France French France French Isle of Man Isle of Man France French
4 Belgium Belgian Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man France French Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man
5 Germany West German Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch
6 Northern Ireland Ulster Belgium Belgian Germany West German Belgium Belgian Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch East Germany East German Belgium Belgian East Germany East German Belgium Belgian
7 Italy Nations East Germany East German Northern Ireland Ulster Northern Ireland Ulster Germany West German Belgium Belgian Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak East Germany East German Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak East Germany East German
8   Northern Ireland Ulster East Germany East German East Germany East German East Germany East German East Germany East German Finland Finnish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Finland Finnish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak
9   Italy Nations Italy Nations Finland Finnish Northern Ireland Ulster Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Northern Ireland Ulster Finland Finnish Northern Ireland Ulster Finland Finnish
10   Sweden Swedish Finland Finnish Italy Nations Finland Finnish Northern Ireland Ulster Isle of Man Isle of Man Northern Ireland Ulster Italy Nations Northern Ireland Ulster
11   Argentina Argentine Argentina Argentine Argentina Argentine Italy Nations Finland Finnish Italy Nations Italy Nations   Italy Nations
12       Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Italy Nations Japan Japanese Canada Canadian   Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian
13           Japan Japanese   Japan Japanese    


Rnd 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1 West Germany West German Austria Austrian Germany German France French France French France French France French Venezuela Venezuelan Venezuela Venezuelan Venezuela Venezuelan
2 France French Germany West German France French Austria Austrian Germany German 23x15px Spanish Austria Austrian Austria Austrian 23x15px Spanish Austria Austrian
3 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Isle of Man Isle of Man Austria Austrian Germany West German Austria Austrian Austria Austrian Italy Nations Germany West German Austria Austrian Germany West German
4 Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch Italy Nations Italy Nations Italy Nations Germany West German Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Italy Nations France French Italy Nations
5 Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Italy Nations Isle of Man Isle of Man 23x15px Spanish Italy Nations 23x15px Spanish
6 Belgium Belgian East Germany East German Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Netherlands Dutch Isle of Man Isle of Man Netherlands Dutch France French Netherlands Dutch Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian
7 East Germany East German Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch
8 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Sweden Swedish Belgium Belgian Belgium Belgian Sweden Swedish Belgium Belgian Sweden Swedish Netherlands Dutch Sweden Swedish Belgium Belgian
9 Finland Finnish Finland Finnish East Germany East German Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Finland Finnish Sweden Swedish Finland Finnish Belgium Belgian Finland Finnish Sweden Swedish
10 Northern Ireland Ulster Northern Ireland Ulster Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Sweden Swedish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Finland Finnish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Sweden Swedish United Kingdom British Finland Finnish
11 Italy Nations Italy Nations Sweden Swedish Finland Finnish Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Germany West German Finland Finnish Germany West German United Kingdom British
12 23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish Finland Finnish 23x15px Spanish 23x15px Spanish Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian 23x15px Spanish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak
13     23x15px Spanish         United Kingdom British Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian France French


Rnd 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1 Italy Nations Argentina Argentine Argentina Argentine South Africa South African South Africa South African South Africa South African Spain Spanish Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Japan Japanese
2 23x15px Spanish Austria Austrian Austria Austrian France French Italy Nations Spain Spanish Italy Nations Spain Spanish United States United States Australia Australian
3 France French Germany West German France French Italy Nations Spain Spanish Germany West German Germany West German Germany West German Spain Spanish United States United States
4 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Italy Nations Spain Spanish Germany West German Austria Austrian Italy Nations Austria Austrian Italy Nations Europe "Expo 92" Spain Spanish
5 Netherlands Dutch France French Italy Nations Spain Spanish Germany West German Austria Austrian Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Austria Austrian Italy Nations Italy Nations
6 Belgium Belgian 23x15px Spanish Netherlands Dutch Austria Austrian France French Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Netherlands Dutch Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Germany West German Germany West German
7 Finland Finnish Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Belgium Belgian Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Austria Austrian Austria Austrian
8 United Kingdom British Netherlands Dutch Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Belgium Belgian France French France French Netherlands Dutch Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian
9 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Belgium Belgian United Kingdom British Belgium Belgian Belgium Belgian France French United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch
10 Germany West German San Marino San Marino Sweden Swedish United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Sweden Swedish Sweden Swedish Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Belgium Belgian
11   United Kingdom British Finland Finnish Sweden Swedish Sweden Swedish Sweden Swedish San Marino San Marino Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak France French France French
12   Finland Finnish Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg San Marino San Marino United Kingdom British United Kingdom British
13   Sweden Swedish San Marino San Marino         Portugal Portuguese Sweden Swedish Sweden Swedish
14   Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Germany West German         Brazil Brazilian Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak
15               Argentina Argentine Brazil Brazilian Brazil Brazilian


Rnd 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
1 Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Australia Australian Australia Australian Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian Japan Japanese Malaysia Malaysian
2 United States United States Australia Australian Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian Indonesia Indonesian Japan Japanese Malaysia Malaysian Japan Japanese
3 Spain Spanish United States United States Malaysia Malaysian Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish
4 Italy Nations Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Italy Italian Italy Italian France French
5 Germany German Italy Italian Italy Italian Austria Austrian Austria Austrian Germany German Italy Italian Austria Austrian France French Italy Italian
6 Austria Austrian Germany German Europe European Germany German Germany German Italy Italian France French France French Community of Madrid Madrid Catalonia Catalan
7 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Austria Austrian Germany German Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch
8 Netherlands Dutch Europe European Netherlands Dutch Europe European Italy Italian France French Germany German Emilia-Romagna Imola United Kingdom British United Kingdom British
9 Belgium Belgian Netherlands Dutch Hungary Hungarian San Marino San Marino France French United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Germany German Germany German Germany German
10 France French France French France French United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Czech Republic Czech Austria Austrian Brazil Rio de Janeiro Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech
11 United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Brazil Rio de Janeiro Czech Republic Czech United Kingdom British Emilia-Romagna Imola Emilia-Romagna Imola
12 Sweden Swedish San Marino San Marino Brazil Brazilian Italy Italian United States United States Argentina Argentine Emilia-Romagna Imola Czech Republic Czech Catalonia Catalan Valencian Community Valencia
13 Czech Republic Czechoslovak Czech Republic Czechoslovak South Africa South African United States United States Argentina Argentine Europe European Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Australia Australian Australia Australian
14 Hungary Hungarian 23x15px Vitesse du Mans   Europe FIM Europe European   Brazil Rio de Janeiro Indonesia Indonesian Argentina Argentine South Africa South African
15 Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian         Australia Australian Australia Australian   Brazil Rio de Janeiro
16                   Argentina Argentine


Rnd 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
1 South Africa South African Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Japan Japanese South Africa South African Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar
2 Malaysia Malaysian South Africa South African South Africa South African South Africa South African Spain Spanish Portugal Portuguese Qatar Qatar Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Japan Japanese
3 Japan Japanese Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish France French China Chinese Turkey Turkish China Chinese Portugal Portuguese Spain Spanish
4 Spain Spanish France French France French France French Italy Italian France French China Chinese Turkey Turkish China Chinese France French
5 France French Italy Italian Italy Italian Italy Italian Catalonia Catalan Italy Italian France French France French France French Italy Italian
6 Italy Italian Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Netherlands Dutch Catalonia Catalan Italy Italian Italy Italian Italy Italian Catalonia Catalan
7 Catalonia Catalan Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Brazil Rio de Janeiro Netherlands Dutch Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Netherlands Dutch
8 Netherlands Dutch United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Germany German United States United States Netherlands Dutch United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United States United States
9 United Kingdom British Germany German Germany German Germany German United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Germany German
10 Germany German Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Germany German Germany German Germany German Germany German United Kingdom British
11 Czech Republic Czech Portugal Portuguese Portugal Portuguese Portugal Portuguese Portugal Portuguese Czech Republic Czech United States United States United States United States United States United States Czech Republic Czech
12 Portugal Portuguese Valencian Community Valencia Brazil Rio de Janeiro Brazil Rio de Janeiro Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Indianapolis Indianapolis
13 Valencian Community Valencia Tochigi Prefecture Pacific Tochigi Prefecture Pacific Tochigi Prefecture Pacific Qatar Qatar Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino
14 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian Qatar Qatar Australia Australian Japan Japanese Indianapolis Indianapolis Portugal Portuguese
15 Tochigi Prefecture Pacific Malaysia Malaysian Australia Australian Australia Australian Australia Australian Australia Australian Japan Japanese Australia Australian Japan Japanese Australia Australian
16 Australia Australian Brazil Rio de Janeiro Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Turkey Turkish Portugal Portuguese Malaysia Malaysian Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian
17           Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Portugal Portuguese Malaysia Malaysian Valencian Community Valencia
18               Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia


Rnd 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar
2 Spain Spanish Spain Spanish Spain Spanish United States Americas United States Americas United States Americas
3 France French Portugal Portuguese Portugal Portuguese Spain Spanish Argentina Argentine Argentina Argentine
4 Italy Italian France French France French France French Spain Spanish Spain Spanish
5 United Kingdom British Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan Italy Italian France French France French
6 Netherlands Dutch United Kingdom British United Kingdom British Catalonia Catalan Italy Italian Italy Italian
7 Catalonia Catalan Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch Catalonia Catalan Catalonia Catalan
8 Germany German Italy Italian Germany German Germany German Netherlands Dutch Netherlands Dutch
9 United States United States Germany German Italy Italian United States United States Germany German Germany German
10 Czech Republic Czech United States United States United States United States Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis
11 Indianapolis Indianapolis Czech Republic Czech Indianapolis Indianapolis Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech Czech Republic Czech
12 San Marino San Marino Indianapolis Indianapolis Czech Republic Czech United Kingdom British United Kingdom British United Kingdom British
13 Aragon Aragon San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino
14 Japan Japanese Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon Aragon
15 Malaysia Malaysian Japan Japanese Japan Japanese Malaysia Malaysian Japan Japanese Japan Japanese
16 Australia Australian Australia Australian Malaysia Malaysian Australia Australian Australia Australian Australia Australian
17 Portugal Portuguese Malaysia Malaysian Australia Australian Japan Japanese Malaysia Malaysian Malaysia Malaysian
18 Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia Valencian Community Valencia


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↑On 19 April 2010, it was announced that the Japanese Grand Prix will be moved to October 3, due to the disruption to air travel after the second eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland

The 2011 Grand Prix of Japan, originally scheduled for 24 April 2011, was moved to 2 October 2011 due to the effects of the Tōhoku earthquake and the Fukushima I nuclear accidents.

  1. From 1995 to 2004 the event was known as the Rio de Janeiro Grand Prix.
  2. Before 1993 the event was known as the Czechoslovakian Grand Prix
  3. Properly called Grand Prix of the GDR
  4. From 1961 to 1972, when also an East German Grand Prix was held, it was also referred to as West German Grand Prix
  5. From 1949 to 1990 the event known as Nations Grand Prix.
  6. The Grand Prix was held in Japan.
  7. The 1987 race was held in Spain.
  8. The Grand Prix was held in various tracks in Italy; before 2007 it was known as simply the San Marino Grand Prix.
  9. After 1955 Le Mans disaster, the Swiss government banned motor races in its territory.
  10. The Grand Prix was held in Northern Ireland.
  11. The event was also known as the Adriatic Grand Prix.