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Background information
Native name Васил Трaянов Боянов
Birth name Vasil Trayanov Boyanov
Also known as Азис
Born (1978-03-07) 7 March 1978 (age 46)[1][2]
Sliven, Bulgaria[2]
Genres Chalga, Pop-folk
Occupation(s) Singer, musician, writer, activist, television show host
Years active 1999-present

Azis (Cyrillic: Азис) (born Vasil Trayanov Boyanov; Cyrillic: Васил Трaянов Боянов) (born 7 March 1978) is a Bulgarian Chalga (pop-folk) singer, of Roma (Gypsy) descent.[3][4] He is known for his unusual gender expression[5] and his flamboyant persona. Azis has collaborated with other Bulgarian pop-folk (Chalga) singers, such as Gloria, Malina, Sofi Marinova, Toni Storaro, as well as Indira Radić (a Serbian singer), and with Bulgarian rap artists - Ustata and Vanko 1.[6][7] At the 2006 Eurovision song contest, he performed Let me cry with Mariana Popova, reaching the semi-finals.[8][9] Azis competed unsuccessfully in the Bulgarian parliamentary election of 2005 as a member of the EuroRoma party.[10]


Azis' childhood was spent in Kostinbrod and Sofia. In 1989, after the fall of communism in Bulgaria, he moved with his family to Germany. There, his sister, Matilda, and brother Ryan was born. Azis married Nikolay Petrov Parvanov (stage name: Niki Kitaetsa, Cyrillic: Ники Китаеца) on 1 October 2006. Their marriage is not legally recognized under Bulgarian law.[11] Azis' daughter was born on 5 August 2007 and was named Raya. Her mother is Azis' longtime friend, Gala.[11] In 2008, Azis and Parvanov separated amicably.[12]

Homosexuality controversies

In late November 2007, Boyko Borisov, mayor of Sofia, censored billboards of Azis kissing Niki Kitaetsa, which pictured both men shirtless[13][14] on the basis they were too graphic in nature. The picture was then censored in other cities in Bulgaria.[15] The Bulgarian LGBT social movement Gemini objected to this decision.[citation needed]


  • In 2007, Azis and Kitaetsa appeared in the VIP Brother 2 edition of Big Brother Bulgaria. Azis left the house voluntarily after nineteen days.[10]
  • Azis was interviewed in the second episode of Michael Palin's New Europe.
  • In 2008 on PRO.BG, Azis co-hosted the talk show Azis' Late Night Show with actress Ekaterina Evro.
  • In August 2012, Anonymous used the video clip to Azis' song Мразиш to deface the website of the Russian court Khamovnichesky, where the members of the band Pussy Riot were convicted.[16]


Panos Kiamos, made a cover of Azis' single Sen Trope entitled, Fotia me Fotia, (Fire to Fire). In November 2012, Giorgos Tsalikis made a cover of Azis' song Hop, entitled Asto, (Let it). In 2013, Florin Salam, a Romanian singer, covered Azis' song, Sen Trope (Saint Tropez). In 2012, Enka Mutfagi, a Turkish singer, covered this song (Alayina Zam).


Studio albums

Year Original title Transliteration Meaning in English
1999 Болка Bolka Pain
2000 Мъжете също плачат Mazhete sashto plachat Men also cry
2001 Сълзи Salzi Tears
2003 На голо Na golo The nude
2004 Кралят Kralyat The King
2004 Together- Заедно с Деси Слава Together- Zaedno s Desi Slava Together (with Desi Slava)
2005 AZIS 2005 AZIS 2005
2006 Дива Diva Diva
2011 Гадна порода Gadna Poroda Nasty breed
2014 Azis 2014 Azis 2014

Compilation albums

Year Original title Transliteration Meaning in English
2002 The Best The Best
2005 Дуети Dueti Duets
2005 The Best 2 The Best 2

EPs (Maxi singles)

Year Original title Transliteration Meaning in English
2003 Целувай ме+ Tseluvay me+ Kiss me+
2004 Как боли Kak boli How it hurts

Videography / Singles

Year Original title Transliteration Translation
1999 "Болка" Bolka Pain
2000 "Мъжете също плачат" Mazhete sashto plachat Men cry too
2000 "Автомонтьор" Avtomontyor Auto mechanic
2001 "Хвани ме де" Hvani me de Catch me
2001 "Обичам те" Obicham te I love you
2002 "Няма" Nyama I won't
2002 "Делник и празник"
(дует с Кали)
Delnik i praznik Weekday and weekend
(with Kali)
2002 "Дай ми го дай" Day mi go day Give it to me
2003 "Всеки път" Vseki pat Every time
2003 "Никой не може" Nikoy ne mozhe No one can
2003 "Целувай ме" Tseluvay me Kiss me
2004 "Как боли" Kak boli How it hurts
2004 "Хайде почвай ме" Hayde pochvay me Let me soil
2004 "Не сме безгрешни"
(дует с Глория)
Ne sme bezgreshni We're not sinless
(with Gloria)
2004 "Казваш, че ме обичаш"
(дует с Деси Слава)
Kazvash, che me obichash You say that you love me
(with Desi Slava)
2004 "Но казвам ти стига" No kazvam ti stiga But I'm telling you to stop
2004 "Ледена кралица" Ledena kralitsa Ice Queen
2004 "Жадувам" Zhaduvam Crave
2005 "Обречи ме на любов" Obrechi me na lyubov Condemn me to love
2005 "Точно сега"
(дует с Устата)
Tochno sega Right now
(with Ustata)
2005 "Верността е лъжа"
(дует с Марта Савиç)
Vernostta e lazha Devotion is a lie
(with Marta Savic)
2005 "Не знаеш"
(дует с Малина)
Ne znaesh You don't know
(with Malina)
2005 "Като скитница" Kato skitnitsa Like a Wanderer
2006 "Празнуваш ли сега" Praznuvash li sega Are you celebrating now
2006 "Черните очи"
(дует с Малина)
Chernite ochi The black eyes
(with Malina)
2006 "Тежко ли ти е" Tezhko li ti e Is it hard for you
2007 "Подлудяваш ме" Podludyavash me You drive me crazy
2009 "Теб обичам" Teb obicham Loving you
2009 "Накарай ме" Nakaray me Make me
2009 "Имаш ли сърце" Imash li sartse Do you have a heart
2010 "Дай ми лед" Day mi led Give me ice
2010 "Луд ме правиш"
(дует с Ванко 1)
Lud me pravish You make me crazy
(with Vanko 1)
2010 "Удряй ме" Udryay me Hit me
2011 "Няма накъде" Nyama nakade No where
2011 "Мразиш" Mrazish Hate
2011 "Гадна порода" Gadna poroda Nasty breed
2011 "Хоп" Hop Hop
2011 "Сен Тропе" Sen Trope Saint-Tropez
2012 "MMA"
2012 "Кажи честно" Kazhi chestno Tell me honestly
2012 "Пробвай се"
(дует с Андреа)
Probvay se Give a try
(feat. Andrea)
2012 "Ти за мен си само секс" Ti za men si samo seks You're just sex for me
2012 "Коледа" Koleda Christmas
2012 "Нещо мръсно" Neshto mrasno Something dirty
2013 "Евала" Evala Well done
2013 "Хайде на морето" Hayde na moreto Let's go to the sea
2013 "Ти ме размаза" Ti me razmaza You crushed me
2013 "Като тебе втори няма"
(дует с Ванко 1)
Kato tebe vtori nyama There's nobody like you
(with Vanko 1)
2014 "Ти ли си"
(дует с Ваня)
Ti li si Is it you
(with Vanya)
2014 "Пий цяла нощ" Piy tsyala nosht Drink all night
2014 "Колко сме пили"
(with Тони Стораро)
Kolko sme pili How we drank
(with Toni Storaro)
2014 "Миконос" Mykonos
2014 "Каза ли го"
(дует с Мария)
Kaza li go
(with Maria)
did you say it (with Maria)
2014 Estar Loco
(with Giorgos Tsalikis)
To be crazy
(Giorgos Tsalikis)
2014 "Чуй ме"
(дует с Мария)
Chuy me Listen to me
(with Maria)
2015 "Джанъм, джанъм" Djanam, djanam Darling, darling
2015 "Моля те не ми звъни"
(дует с Мария)
Molya te ne mi zvani Please don't call me
(with Maria
2015 "Блокиран"
(дует с Фики)
Blokiran Blocked
(with Fiki)
2015 "Хабиби" Habibi Habibi


  • 2003: Шоу спектакъл
  • 2004: Нищо лично
  • 2004: The best videoclips
  • 2004: Together with Desi Slava
  • 2005: AZIS 2005
  • 2005: Дуети (Duets)
  • 2006: Аз, Азис ( I, Azis) (CD)
  • 2007: Azis


In 2011, Azis sang a duet called Sezam with Indira Radić, a Serbian singer, on her album Istok, sever, jug i zapad. After that, in 2012 he sang another duet with Serbian singer Marta Savić, which was featured on her studio album 13. The song was called "Mama" and it was one of Balkan's hit songs in 2012.


  • Аз, Азис (Book and CD) (2006)


Azis has received awards from the "New Folk" annual awards, (in Bulgarian Годишни награди на "Нов фолк"):

  • 2000: Best Singer
  • 2001: Best media presence
  • 2001: Best Album "Tears" (Award NMTS and "New Folk")
  • 2002: Best Singer
  • 2002: Best media presence / Best stage presence
  • 2002: Best Album (Award NMTS and "New Folk")
  • 2003: Best media presence
  • 2003: Best Singer
  • 2003: Outstanding Achievement Award
  • 2003: Best Album (Award NMTS and "New Folk")
  • 2004: Best stage presence
  • 2004: Best Singer
  • 2005: Best stage presence
  • 2005: Best Music Video for "Не знаеш" (Na Znaesh) by Malina and Azis
  • 2005: Best Singer
  • 2005: Experimental Effort (Дима стил - Dima stil Award)
  • 2005: Best ringtone for "Обречи ме на любов"
  • 2007: Best media presence
  • 2008: Best media presence
  • 2011: Best Singer


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  2. 2.0 2.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  3. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
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  9. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  12. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found. (Translation on Google Translate.)
  13. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  14. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  15. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found. (Translation on Google Translate.)
  16. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

External links

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