List of Star Trek races

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This is a list of fictional sentient species from the fictional universe of the Star Trek media franchise.


Race Home planet Episodes
M = mention only
Aaamazzarite Aaamazzara (Therbia) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Aaamazzarites, also called Therbians, are a hairless species with pale yellow skin. Aaamazzara orbits Epsilon Serpentis in the Alpha Quadrant. It is 70.3 light years away from Earth. Everything on the planet is bio-chemically produced from their mouths, including clothing and furniture. They are members of the United Federation of Planets.
Acamarian Acamar III "The Vengeance Factor" (TNG)

Acamarians are a generally peaceful race with a history of violent clan wars. Physically, they can be distinguished by a vertical crease in the center of the forehead. A splinter group, known as the Gatherers, composed of members of various Acamarian clans who opposed the peace treaty for about 100 years, was eventually repatriated into Acamarian society.

Aenar Andor (Andoria) "United" (ENT)
Aenar, along with the Andorians, inhabit the world of Andor (Andoria). In many regards, they are similar to the Andorians in physical appearance. However, their skin is a light blue/white color, they are almost totally blind, and they have powerful telepathic abilities. Aenar are pacifistic and do not use their mind reading abilities against the will of another individual. However, their blindness does not appear to hinder their ability to know that they are in the presence of a "blueskin" Andorian or detect obstacles.

Aenar government, such as it is, has little structure; leaders of Aenar society are chosen as the need arises, usually when contact with outsiders is called for. The Aenar are usually considered to be just a different ethnicity of the Andorian race and not an utterly separate species.

The Aenar population is about 11,000 in size and they inhabit the polar region of their world. Andorians believed the Aenar to be mythical creatures before their existence was confirmed circa 2104.

Based on Talla, Shran's daughter from "These Are the Voyages...", it has been speculated that hybrids of an Andorian and an Aenar would be a greenish color, perhaps explaining the greenish Andorian seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Akritirian "The Chute" (VOY)
The Akritirians are an advanced humanoid Delta Quadrant race with basic interstellar spaceflight, perhaps warp-capable. A dictatorship controls the planet, now dealing with an Open Sky group fighting to overthrow it.

Felons are kept in an isolated spacegoing station — as the U.S.S. Voyager's Paris and Kim discovers when wrongly sent there. Pardons or rehearings in convictions and sentencing are never heard.

Allasomorph "The Dauphin" (TNG)
An Allasomorph is an anthropomorphic shapeshifting species.
Andorian Andoria "Journey to Babel" (TOS)
Andorians are a humanoid species with blue skin and antennae. They consider themselves a warrior race, in contrast with the pacifist Aenar who also live on the Andoria. They are native to the moon Andoria, which orbits the planet Andor. They were a founding member of the United Federation of Planets.
Antaran "The Breach" (ENT)
The Antarans are mentioned by Doctor Phlox to have been at war with the Denobulans on several occasions. The Denobulans have tried to put the war behind them; however, there are still Denobulans who hate the Antarans. The Antarans remain bitter and are raised from birth to hate Denobulans. There appear to be two different spellings: Antarian and Antaran.
Angosian "The Hunted" (TNG)
Usually considered non-violent, Angosian authorities were responsible for genetically and chemically engineering soldiers to fight in their Tarsian Wars. But the process was irreversible, and the 'super soldiers' were considered outcasts and criminals that could not function or co-exist alongside the normal population of Angosian society, and as such were forced to be permanently confined to a penal settlement on an Angosian moon.
Non-canon: a novel trilogy, Star Trek: The Q Continuum shows that the Angosians have had some success in later efforts to reintegrate the soldiers, as one now serves on the Enterprise-E.
Antedean Antede III "Manhunt" (TNG)
The Antedeans from Antede III are an ichthyohumanoid species which resemble fish. While a member of the United Federation of Planets, they seldom receive visitors and thus have not been seen by many members of the Federation. Another trait that keeps them from interacting with their fellow Federation members is a strong distaste for space flight: although the Antedeans are a space-going race, space travel is quite traumatic for them. In order for individuals to deal with this problem they induce a catatonic state while in space flight. To awaken from this state takes several hours. Once awakened from the sleep Antedeans are generally ravenous and eat large portions of vermicula.

There is a division in the Antedean race on whether membership in the Federation is a good thing. Ambassador Lwaxana Troi foiled a plot on Stardate 42859.2 when 2 Antedeans tried to sabotage their planet's Federation membership conference on Pacifica with ultritium concealed in their garments.

Antican "Lonely Among Us" (TNG)
The Anticans are dog-like with snouts, dark fur and white hair. They applied for Federation membership but the ruling decision was put off because of their hostilities with their neighbors, the reptilian Selay. In a quest for meat, the Antican diplomatic team attempted to cook and consume a member of the Selay delegation.
Arcadian Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Arcadians have large, round, doll-like heads and have hair on the left and right sides of their heads with none in the middle. They are members of the United Federation of Planets with a representative on the Federation Council. They joined at least as early as the 2280s.
Arcturian Arcturus Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Arcturians are known for their clones which have the appearance of melted skin and hail from the densely populated world Arcturus.
Nothing has been revealed about them in dialogue, so their backstory (by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher) is considered semi-canon.
The Axanar are the first extraterrestrial race befriended by Earth people aboard the NX-01 Enterprise. Archer and his people rescue Axanar aboard a ship that has been disabled, and when both another Axanar ship, and the preying ship, show up, Archer is able to persuade the Axanar to help him fight off the preying ship.

One of James T. Kirk's earliest commendations is the Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission, following the Battle of Axanar; although the exact nature of the conflict is unrevealed, it is revealed in the episode "Whom Gods Destroy" that Starfleet Captain Garth of Izar achieved a great victory on behalf of the Federation, and his strategies became required reading at Starfleet Academy (since Kirk himself studied these strategies, the Battle of Axanar must thus have occurred well before Kirk entered Starfleet Academy in 2250, which was itself almost 20 years before "Whom Gods Destroy"). Kirk claims that the Axanar Peace Mission "topped [Garth's victory] with a greater one" and preserved the civilization that made Spock and himself "brothers", implying that the mission may have contributed to healing a serious rift in the Federation at that time.


Race Home planet Episodes
M = mention only
Bajoran Bajor (M-class) "Ensign Ro" (TNG)
"Emissary" (DS9)
The Bajorans are a humanoid species with characteristic nose creases. They live on the planet Bajor. They are a deeply spiritual people, who worship The Prophets. They are enemies of the Cardassians, who occupied Bajor and treated the Bajorans as slaves in the early 24th century.
Ba'ku Unknown, The Briar Patch Star Trek: Insurrection
The Ba'ku people were a technologically advanced humanoid civilization. In the early 21st century, the race developed the means of building weapons of mass destruction and was on the brink of self-annihilation. A small enlightened group of the Ba'ku people escaped this horror and found an isolated planet.

This group of Ba'ku followed a simple way of life and disdained the use of technology. (As shown in the film Star Trek: Insurrection, however, the Ba'ku still possessed some form of technology and the ability to use it in emergencies, since they had attempted to repair the damaged Data.) At first the Ba'ku were unaware of the metaphasic radiation in the planet's rings, which caused their aging process to significantly decelerate, although it was later discovered and cherished.

The Ba'ku society consisted of strong bonds between each individual as there were less than a thousand living in a village. Their simpler way of life eventually prompted some of the younger Ba'ku villagers - who wanted to explore the galaxy with offlanders - to rebel against their elders, and an attempt was made to take over the village. When they were unsuccessful, they were exiled and eventually became the Son'a people.

In 2375 peace on the Ba'ku planet was restored, and several members of the Son'a returned to their families.

Bandi Deneb IV "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG)
The Bandi are a humanoid species native to the planet Deneb IV in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bandi appealed to the United Federation of Planets for membership in 2364 but were rejected because they had captured and enslaved an alien life form.

Perhaps purely by coincidence, "Bandi" was the name of a vaguely ursine empathic parasite in an early Star Trek story premise by David Gerrold, who was involved in the development of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and who novelized "Encounter at Farpoint".

Berellian Unknown "Redemption" (TNG) M
When Lieutenant Commander Data takes temporary command of the USS Sutherland during the Klingon Civil War, his first officer on the Sutherland, Lieutenant Commander Thomas Hobson, implies that, as an android, Data is out of place commanding a Federation starship. Hobson compares the apparent dichotomy to that posed by a Klingon counselor or a Berellian engineer; "they're just not suited for those positions."
Benzite Benzar "Coming of Age" (TNG)
Benzites are a humanoid race from the planet Benzar and members of the United Federation of Planets.

Benzites possess smooth, hairless skin; it may range in color from bluish-purple to green-blue. A thick protrusion of the Benzite skull extends down over the face, displaying a prominent nasal lobe and brow. Two fish-like barbels droop down from above the upper lip. Benzites are highly resistant to poisons and other noxious substances. They can digest and derive nutrition from almost any organic compound. All Benzites from the same geostructure are physically similar, so much so that they are indistinguishable to a non-Benzite.

Betazoid Betazed "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG)
"Caretaker" (VOY)
The Betazoid are a humanoid species, originating from the planet Betazed. They are telepathic and are members of the United Federation of Planets.
Bolian Bolarus IX "Conspiracy" (TNG)
"Emissary" (DS9)
"Caretaker" (VOY)
Bolians are humanoids with blue skin and a small ridge running from the back of their heads to their noses. They were named after a regular Star Trek director, Cliff Bole. As an in-joke there have been references to the "Cliffs of Bole" on their planet. Neelix remarks that malfunctioning toilets will hit the Bolians especially hard, and during medical examinations 24th century doctors will commonly ask if a human patient has had sexual relations with a Bolian.

The Bolians have been active members of the Federation since 2320. Aside from contributing to the ranks of Starfleet they have a delegation within the Diplomatic Corps. In 2366, the Bolian government was maintaining an uneasy truce with the Moropa (TNG: "Allegiance").

The Bolians are known to make a crystal steel that is highly prized. They also own and operate the famous Bank of Bolius. In 2373, the Bolian government authorized the Ferengi Gaming Commission to manage their gambling emporiums.

During the Bolian Middle Ages the Bolians developed the medical philosophy known as the "Double Effect Principle" about euthanasia. This form of assisted suicide states that while euthanasia has the effect of relieving suffering it also has the effect of causing death. Bolian marriages often involve more than two members. Any additional spouse is referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. Bolian blues is a highly appreciated musical genre among Federation species.

Borg Unknown "Q Who?" (TNG)
"The Best of Both Worlds" (TNG)
"Scorpion" (VOY)
"Regeneration" (ENT)
Star Trek: First Contact
While actually encountered in the Enterprise episode "Regeneration" as a result of minor alterations to the timeline during "Star Trek: First Contact", the Borg were not truly identified as the single greatest threat to the Federation until the events of The Next Generation episode "Q Who?".

The Borg were discovered to be a group without individuality, where every member is a part of a collective consciousness in an attempt to achieve perfection. They assimilate any species they come into contact with for either biological aspects (for example, Talaxians would be assimilated for their dense physical structure, useful for producing strong, resilient drones) or technological aspects (a species which has developed advanced engines or weaponry would be a sufficiently desirable target for assimilation) all in an attempt to further improve the overall perfection of the Borg as a whole.

The Borg have encountered and assimilated thousands of species, quantity most notable by their designation of Species 8472, although more may have been added to the total since that encounter.

The Borg are not so much a species, as a collection of species. In their assimilated state, most races are altered or augmented with cybernetic enhancements which make them all look similar, or at least instantly identifiable as Borg, making them a pseudo-species.

Encounters with the Borg have varied in type, from the disastrous defense of the Wolf 359 system ("The Best of Both Worlds"), in which many Federation ships were lost, the successful repelling of two Borg cubes from Sector 001 on two separate occasions ("The Best of Both Worlds" "Star Trek: First Contact") and the infiltration, usage of and destruction of a Borg transwarp hub (a critical part of their interstellar menace) by the USS Voyager ("Endgame").

Breen Breen, Alpha Quadrant "Season 7 (1998–99)" (DS9)
Bynar Bynaus, Beta Magellan system "11001001" (TNG)
Bynars operate in pairs and are interconnected with a master computer on Bynaus.


Race Home Planet Episodes M = Mention Only
Cardassian Cardassia Prime, Alpha Quadrent "The Wounded" (TNG)
The Cardassians are enemies of the United Federation of Planets and are mentioned in Deep Space 9 and Star Trek: The Next Generation. They have noticeable ridges along their foreheads and necks and a crest on their foreheads, earning them the nickname, Spoonheads. Their government is a military dictatorship.
Changeling Unknown
A race of fluid shapeshifters, who founded the Dominion by genetically engineering organisms to operate the military and logistics. These organisms call them the Founders


Race Home Planet Episodes M = Mention Only
Denobulans Denobula, Alpha Quadrent "Broken Bow" (TNG)
Denobulans are a Humanoid species who hail from the planet of Denobula of the Denobula Triaxa system. Denobulans only require 144 hours of sleep per year although some Denobulans, such as doctor Phlox of the Enterprise NX-01, can sleep as little as 48 hours per year. It is customary for adult Denobulans to have three spouses each. Denobulans also have ridges running their forehead, cheeks, and spine.



Edosians (aka Edoans) are a race of sentient tripedalbeings. Edosians have an orange complexion, two yellow eyes, three arms and three dog-like legs. Navigator Lieutenant Arex was introduced in Star Trek: The Animated Series, but his planet of origin, Edos, was mentioned only in background material.[1] Passing references to Edosian flora and fauna have been made in episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise. In some tie-in novels and short stories, Arex is mentioned as actually being a Triexian, with the Edosians being a near-identical race.


El-Aurians (referred to as a Race of Listeners by Dr. Tolian Soran, the El-Aurian antagonist in Star Trek Generations) are a humanoid race first introduced in the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation with the character of Guinan. The species was named in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals".

El-Aurians appear outwardly identical to humans, but they can live well over 700 years and have a variety of ethnic types, with both dark- and light-skinned members of the race being shown on various Star Trek movies and television episodes. They are considered a race of listeners and often appear patient and wise.

The El-Aurian homeworld was located in the Delta Quadrant and was destroyed by the Borg in the mid-23rd century. Few survived, and those who did were scattered throughout the galaxy. Some of the refugees came to the United Federation of Planets and it has been noted that this is likely an analogy for the spread of Africans around the Earth via colonialism and slavery.[2][dubious ]



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The Organians are incorporeal energy creatures ("pure energy, pure thought") with no precise physical location in the universe. After the climax of the episode, Spock comments that they are "as far above us on the evolutionary scale as we are above the amoeba." They assumed humanoid form to "interact" with the Federation representatives and the Klingons. They render all weapons belonging to the hostile parties inoperable through extreme heat, and then vanish.

The Organians were a race of beings who had evolved to a point of being pure conceptual beings, essence of thought with no corporeal bodies. In some ways they were similar to Q for power levels and abilities, but it is unknown if these two races ever encountered each other according to the television series. In the novel Q Strike, however, the Organians appear to observe a battle between members of the Q Continuum and other seemingly omnipotent beings from the Star Trek universe. The original Q identifies them after being asked by Captain Jean-Luc Picard who they are, and is rather dismissive, remarking that "compared to their code of noninvolvement, your Prime Directive is practically an incitement to riot."

The Organians also appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise in the episode "Observer Effect," where they observed members of the crew infected with a silicon-based virus to decide whether or not they should make first contact with humans. They did not technically appear onscreen; they only manifested themselves by possessing the bodies of several members of the Enterprise crew.


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Orions are a green-skinned, humanoid alien species in the Star Trek universe. An Orion was first portrayed as an illusion in the original Star Trek pilot, but wasn't seen in the broadcast series until this original pilot was incorporated into a two-part episode (episodes 11 and 12) in the first season. Orions have also been portrayed in Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise. Rachel Nichols played Orion Starfleet cadet Gaila in the 2009 Star Trek film.



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Romulans are humanoid extraterrestrials that appear in every Star Trek television series, where members of their race often serve as antagonists.
They prominently feature in the films Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek Nemesis, and Star Trek.


Species 8472

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Species 8472 appeared in four episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.[3] While passing through Borg space, Voyager encounters Species 8472, a race that surpasses the Borg in combat prowess.[4]



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See also


  1. Biography of Lt. Arex published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974
  2. Hastie, A. Fabricated Space: Assimilating the Individual on Star Trek: The Next Generation in Enterprise Zones: Critical Positions on Star Trek. Eds. Harrison et al. (Westview Press: Boulder, 1996).
  3. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  4. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

Further reading

  • Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

External links